Besides being late meal, stomach acid can also be increased due to certain foods.
The increase in gastric acid to cause discomfort in the throat is not a pleasant thing to be experienced (acid reflux). Burning sensation and discomfort in the lower esophagus was mainly due to increase in gastric acid and there are problems with the digestive system and the valve between the esophagus.
According to the researchers in Norway, the number of people who experience acid reflux problems increase of 1.5 times in 2011 than 10 years earlier. This could be the cause of the increases in cancer patients esofahus.
Dr. Loren Greene, professor at the Endocrinology Division of the Department of Medicine at New York University, USA said, setting the intake is the most important thing to prevent the recurrence of acid reflux. Although given drugs to overcome this, if the wrong type of food, just the same.
Therefore it is important to know the types of foods that can cause increased stomach acid. Here are some of them;
Tomatoes are rich in acid content which can lead to increased acid in the stomach. Even so, the tomatoes still on the healthy foods category, thanks to antioxidants and nutrients that may protect other organs, such as the heart.
Caffeine can stimulate the production of acid in the digestive tract, and even the esophagus valve opening, explains
Liquor and alcohol can also increase acid production in the stomach, and in the end make the inflammation of the gastrointestinal wall.
Mint family, either peppermint, spearmint, etc. can also trigger the production of excess stomach acid, though at first mint can give the impression of cool and refreshing.
Various studies have indeed revealed that chocolate can improve mood as stimulating the production of serotonin (a hormone that creates a sense of fun and love). Unfortunately, the same hormones also make muscles to relax the esophageal valve, easy to make stomach acid enters the esophagus.
Orange-jerukan families, as is well known, are very rich in acids, and can also increase the production of stomach acid.
Vinegar is also known to trigger acid in the stomach.
Garlic and onions are also known to encourage the production of stomach acid. Although not all be avoided, but should limit their consumption.
So the way you eat a banana is, can you make natural substances to relieve excess stomach acid in your body. By doing so, eat bananas you can apply in addressing diseases that you experienced stomach acid. tips berpuasa bagi penderita maag
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