Tuesday, November 6, 2012

When stomach acid up

When stomach acid up what must have ato bellyache wrote just feels comfortable gk middle chest?

Gastric acid is a normal part of the human body. Gastric acid produced by the stomach that functions to process food that nausea and vomiting heartburn stomach into the abdomen. The mnre food is consumed the more the stomach acid released by the stomach.

In certain circumstances, sometimes stomach acid produced in excess of that needed by the body, resulting in an excess of stomach acid will begin to interfere with the normal functioning of the stomach itself. Symptoms and disorders caused by excess stomach acid such as;
  1. Flatulence, abdominal bloating is a sign of the number of acid in the stomach
  2. Stomach pain or upset stomach, is a sign that stomach acid has begun to erode the stomach itself, and it serves as a neural response stomach pain due to the growing size of the stack due to acid in the stomach
  3. Discomfort in the chest, is a sign that the vapors from the stomach acid is already too many and began to force it out of the esophagus into the mouth.
  4. Burping, belching is a symptom of the continued full steam or agent of gastric acid made it out of the stomach, esophagus and ends in the mouth.
  5. Nausea and vomiting, nausea and vomiting are very common symptoms as the body's normal response to remove excess stomach acid before.


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    It’s a great post
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